Boyd Exell and Anna Sandmann the best after dressage

The Baborówko Driving Show began with dressage. Among four-horse carriages, seventeen-time World Champion Boyd Exell reigns supreme, and in pairs the best was German Anna Sandmann.

The four-star dressage for the Baborówko Palace trophy definitely favored the Germans - they took the first three places. First was Anna Sandmann with groom Jana Batterink and Harley and Max Van Het Rodeland (43.42 pts.), second was Sebastian Warneck with groom Christin Warneck and Balos and Beat Me Okydo (46.92 pts.), and third was Lars Schwitte with groom Nadine Schwitte and Now or Never RSH and Le Fasco (47.21 pts.) In the team classification at this point Hungary wins, second are the Germans and third are the Swedes.

In the CAIO4*-H4 dressage for the Agrochest trophy, the best was Boyd Exell with grooms Katarzyna Wieczorek and Bogusia Pyka and Jelviro, Daan 8, Julius Van Hapert and Maestro H (37.52 points), the second was Christoph Sandmann with grooms Karin Sandmann, Jana Baterink and Donvite VD Mulligenvree, Fantast, Jordan, Las Vegas (41.05 points), third was Daniel Schneiders with grooms Juliane Schroder, Ann-Kathrin Schneiders and Fanno, Inebie, Kroon Juweel, Leferno (47.91 points). In the team standings, Germany wins at this point, Austria is second and Poland is third.