
Eventing Association Baborowko

Palace Baborówko

ul. Parkowa 1, 64-500 Szamotuły
phone: +48 795 556 230
email: office[at]

Information for press

Magdalena Skorlińska
Press spokesman

phone: +48 694 541 896
email: press[at]

Baborowko is located in the western part of Poland, about 40 km from the motorway Berlin - Warsaw.

Access from the north – in Oborniki, take the road number 187 towards Szamotuły. At the first traffic light in Szamotuły, turn left into Lipowa Street. After 4 km. you will get to Baborówko.

Access from the west – taking the A2 motorway, take the Poznań West exit onto the S11 road, then take the Napachanie exit towards Szamotuły. In Pamiątkowo, at the crossing with traffic lights, turn right and then left towards Baborówko, after driving 4 km you will be there.

Access from Poznań – Take the S11 towards Piła, take the exit to Napachanie towards Szamotuły, then in Pamiątkowo, at the crossing with traffic lights, turn right and then left towards Baborówko. After 4 km you will reach the place.

Access to the competition area is possible only from Szamotulska Street
There is no access from Parkowa Street and Dworcowa Street.